Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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(defun wait (s)
; waits s milleseconds
(command "delay" (setq z s))
(defun graphwait ()
; goes to graphics screen and waits 1/4 second
(wait 250)
(defun starttest (s)
; tell the user something, and wait for his RETURN.
; i.e., print the statement s, tell them to Hit RETURN when ready
; then go to graphics and wait 1/4 second
; !!!! save the starting prompt in the test file?
; !!!! number the tests for restart purposes
(if (= "N" comnd) (textscr))
(print s)
(print "Hit RETURN when ready to proceed")
(getstring T)
(repeat 3 (print " "))
(defun getrslt (q)
; wait a little for the user to look at the result...then
; ask the user question q and do something with his answer
; always ask from the text screen...so we don't have problems with
; command prompt area off or dual screens with only one line cmmnd prompts
; also save the result in the test result file
; and only accept Y y or N n ask again if not
(wait wtime)
(if (= comnd "N")
(command "textscr"))
(setq z " ")
(while (and (/= z "Y") (/= z "N"))
(setq z (strcase (getstring q)))
(if (null testf) (terpri)
(write-line q testf)
(if (= "Y" z)
(write-line " PASS" testf)
(write-line " FAIL" testf))
(write-line " " testf)
(defun slowpick ()
; returns "l" after awhile
(repeat 800 (setq x "l"))
(defun userpick ()
(command "erase") (getstring t "Move the pick box, hit RETURN")
(defun dssetup ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
; run dscfg to update ascii.cfg file for status, prompt, menu config
(command "shell" "dscfg")
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(setq cfgf (open "ascii.cfg" "r"))
(setq disp (read-line cfgf))
(setq cfg (read-line cfgf))
(setq sfgf (close cfgf))
(setq status (substr cfg 1 1))
(setq comnd (substr cfg 3 1))
(setq menu (substr cfg 5 1))
(print disp)
(print " ")
(print (strcat "Status line " status))
(print (strcat "Command prompt " comnd))
(print (strcat "Menu area " menu))
(print " ")
(setq x 0)
(setq disp8 "")
(repeat 8 (if (= " " (substr disp (setq x (1+ x)) 1))
(setq disp8 (strcat disp8 "-"))
(setq disp8 (strcat disp8 (substr disp x 1))))
(setq disp8 (strcase disp8 T))
(defun getver ()
(setq midf (open "acad4.mid" "r"))
(if (null midf) (setq ver "")
(setq x " ")
(while (and (/= "VERSION" x) (/= nil x))
(setq x (strcase (substr (setq ver (read-line midf)) 1 7)))
(defun startestout (testfn)
(if (/= nil testf)
(setq testf (close testf)))
(setq testf (open testfn "w"))
(write-line disp testf)
(if (/= "" ver)
(write-line ver testf))
(write-line " " testf)
(write-line (strcat "Status line " status) testf)
(write-line (strcat "Command prompt " comnd) testf)
(write-line (strcat "Menu area " menu) testf)
(write-line " " testf)
(write-line (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2) testf)
(write-line " " testf)
(print (strcat "Output test result file: " testfn))
(defun C:SINGLE ()
(load "single")
(defun C:DUAL ()
(load "dual")
(defun C:COLORS ()
(load "colors")
(defun C:NCFG ()
; figure out current yyy cfg and change it to the next
(setq cfglist (list
'(yyy "Y Y N")
'(yyn "Y N Y")
'(yny "Y N N")
'(ynn "N Y Y")
'(nyy "N Y N")
'(nyn "N N Y")
'(nny "N N N")
'(nnn "Y Y Y")
(if (or (null status) (null comnd) (null menu))
(print (strcat "Current status, command, menu: " status " " comnd " " menu))
(wait 2000)
(setq x (read (strcat status comnd menu)))
(setq nxtcfg (assoc x cfglist))
(setq nxtcfg (car (cdr nxtcfg)))
(print (strcat "Change status, command, menu to " nxtcfg))
(command "shell" (strcat "dscfg " nxtcfg))
(command "script" "outin")